Start your Lean Journey with CIRAS

If you don’t know where you are, how can you know where you are going?

Regardless of where your organization is on its journey of building a culture of continuous improvement, a Lean Maturity Assessment provides valuable insight into your organization’s strengths and opportunities and is an essential step on your journey.

Our online Lean assessment, available to Iowa organizations,  is a valuable tool to help your organization gauge its progress on the lean journey. To get a comprehensive view, we recommend involving 5-10 individuals from various organizational levels and functions to complete the assessment. By incorporating diverse perspectives, you’ll gain a more accurate understanding of your organization’s lean maturity.

Once the assessment is completed, a dedicated CIRAS team member will gather and analyze the results. This team member will contact you to schedule a discussion regarding the assessment. During this discussion, you and the CIRAS team member will collaboratively examine the results, identify areas of strength, and pinpoint opportunities for improvement.

Together, you will determine the most appropriate next steps for your organization’s Lean journey. This may involve developing action plans, implementing training programs, or establishing new processes. By leveraging the insights from the assessment, you can make informed decisions to drive continuous improvement and enhance your organization’s Lean practices.

We are committed to supporting your Iowa organization’s progress on its Lean journey and look forward to working with you to achieve your goals. 

If you are an organization in IOWA: CLICK HERE to request a link to our online Lean Assessment.