10 year Population Change
Change in the number of people living in this county, from 2012 to 2022.
(United States Census Bureau, County Population Totals)
(United States Census Bureau, County Population Totals)
10 year Employment Change
Change in the number of employees in this county, from 2012 to 2022.
(United States Census Bureau, County Business Patterns)
(United States Census Bureau, County Business Patterns)
Individuals from this county, attending Iowa State University in 2024.
(Iowa State University)
(Iowa State University)
Individuals who have attended Iowa State University, now living in this county.
(Iowa State University)
(Iowa State University)
Distinct Clients Served
Number of unique business locations served by any CIRAS service from 2020 through 2024.
(CIRAS Annual Reporting)
(CIRAS Annual Reporting)
Economic Impact
Combined dollars of impact (increased sales, savings, investments, etc.) reported by CIRAS clients from 2020 through 2024.
(CIRAS Annual Reporting)
(CIRAS Annual Reporting)
Jobs Added or Retained
New positions or positions saved reported by CIRAS clients from 2020 through 2024.
(CIRAS Annual Reporting)
(CIRAS Annual Reporting)