Financial/Funding Assistance for Eligible Iowa Businesses

Iowa has a number of business assistance programs to support company innovation and growth.
Contact your Regional CIRAS Strategic Advisor to learn more about these opportunities. 


Grant Funding

Community College Consortium 260F training program Provides funding assistance for employee training projects that involve two or more Iowa businesses and a local community college.

CIRAS contract research matching grant program – Potential cost share is available for eligible projects with research performed by Iowa State faculty. Funding is provided by the Iowa Legislature Economic Development Committee and Iowa State University.

CIRAS APEX Accelerator – APEX Accelerator funding is provided through the U.S. Department of Defense and managed by CIRAS to provide no-cost help to Iowa companies. The funds provide technical assistance for businesses navigating the process of selling their products or services to the government.

CIRAS Technology Assistance Program (TAP) – TAP provides funding assistance for Iowa companies interested in exploring new technologies. Funding provided by the Iowa Legislature Economic Development Committee and Iowa State University.

Iowa Economic Development Authority Internship Program – Small- to medium-sized companies in targeted industries can be reimbursed up to $3,100 of an investment they’ve made in a student intern. The matching funds are provided in support of the program’s goal, which is to transition interns to full-time employment in Iowa upon graduation.


Loan Programs

The State of Iowa has a variety of business assistance programs that use loans, forgivable loans, tax credits, and other tools to support growing businesses in targeted industries.

The Iowa Area Development Group (IADG), a CIRAS partner, provides access to a variety of federal, state, and local loan programs. These are available to companies served by IADG’s member-owned electric cooperatives, municipal utilities, and independent telecommunication companies.


Equity Financing

The Iowa Farm Bureau Renew Rural Iowa program’s Rural Vitality Fund makes investments in early growth stage businesses in Iowa.