"I think the goal in general is to keep people interested and get them to understand that these opportunities are right here."
- Scott Moyer, Director of Marketing for Dee Zee, Des Moines
Iowa Manufacturing Day
Manufacturing Day is a celebration of modern manufacturing meant to inspire the next generation of innovators and makers. While national Manufacturing Day is officially the first day of each October, companies and community organizations can plan events for any date that works best for them.
Iowa Manufacturing Day events are a great first step in inspiring the next generation of employees for a business. “MFG Day” event support and training are available to help support many event structures, such as:
- Facility tours open to students, families, or the public
- Community-wide manufacturing celebrations or job fairs
- Visits to classrooms to share about careers in manufacturing
CIRAS and our partners are helping Iowa companies and communities connect for Manufacturing Day events. Let us help your company expand your talent pipeline through Iowa Manufacturing Day!
For assistance on planning or participating in a Manufacturing Day event, contact Coordinator Mike O'Donnell or ISU MFG Day.
CIRAS provides several related services, including: