Subscribe to CIRAS Newsletters
Quarterly publication that highlights Iowa company interactions with Iowa State University and CIRAS partners. Topics include new service offerings, client success stories, information on hiring ISU students, upcoming events, K-12 STEM activities, and highlights of industry research and trends. Anyone in Iowa may receive a hard copy of CIRAS News quarterly at no cost, by signing up for CIRAS News. Other individuals may review past issues online.
Monthly electronic publication that highlights Iowa company interactions with Iowa State University and CIRAS partners. Topics are similar to the quarterly newsletters but include more time-sensitive topics, such as upcoming events. Anyone may sign up for CIRAS eNews.
Iowa Lean Insider
Monthly email from the Iowa Lean Consortium (now part of CIRAS). It includes ILC news and upcoming events. Anyone may sign up for the Iowa Lean Insider.
APEX Did You Know
Monthly email from the CIRAS APEX program for companies involved with or interested in government contracting. It includes important news and information, client success stories, and upcoming events. The email is sent on the 15th of each month. Anyone may sign up for APEX Did You Know.