Center for Industrial Research and Service
The Center for Industrial Research and Service was created in 1963 to improve the quality of life in Iowa by helping businesses and their communities thrive. Our individually tailored strategy Engage. Educate. Embed. means we work with companies to fashion solutions specific to their individual needs.
Over the past five years, CIRAS and our partners have helped more than 4,600 businesses in every Iowa county, creating an economic impact of more than $2.8 billion.
Basic Sausage Short Course 11/12/2024 - 11/14/2024, In Person
Human Resource Strategies - Innovative Hiring Approaches for New Talent Insights 11/13/2024, Virtual
ILC Foundations of Project Management 11/14/2024, Newton, IA
Federal Highway Funding: Year 4 of Infrastructure Bill & Future Challenges 11/14/2024, Virtual